It's incredible how much of a difference learning to ride a horse has made in my life. I've always wanted to ride but never thought I'd actually try it. Now, I'm addicted! It's a whole new adventure and it makes me feel more confident than ever before.
No one is too old to learn something new and amazing. I'm over 50 years old, and I love riding my horse. It's a great way to stay active and meet people with similar interests. Horseback riding has been proven to improve your health by strengthening muscles, increasing flexibility and balance, improving cardiovascular fitness, reducing stress levels, relieving muscle tension as well as helping you sleep better at night. Riding also gives you confidence because it forces you to learn how to trust another living creature with your life!
If you are over 50 and thinking about learning to ride a horse, don't assume that you can't do it. There are many people who have learned to ride in their 50s, 60s and even 70s. If you have been around horses most of your life, or if you have ridden as a child or young adult and want to return to riding as an adult, then this article may be helpful for you too!
It is possible for anyone with any level of experience or fitness level to learn how to ride with confidence. You do not need much strength or coordination either – these qualities will come with time as long as you enjoy yourself while learning the basics. Even if it's just walking around in circles at first (or trotting), everything will improve over time if you stick with it!
You're learning to ride a horse. Maybe you've always wanted to, but were afraid of being too old; maybe you've never ridden before and want to learn now; maybe you're an accomplished rider who wants a new challenge. Whatever your motivation, it's exciting!
The horse is an adventure in itself: the challenge of finding the right horse for you, learning how to approach and work with them, even getting used to their size.
You are not as young as you used to be. You've had a good run, but it's time for you to take on a new adventure: learning how to ride a horse.
You aren't alone in this challenge—many people over 50 have found themselves in the same position as you. If someone is willing to give it a try and commit their time, they can learn not only how to ride well but also how they can continue growing with their horse (or other animals) throughout their lifetime.
The first step is being open-minded about what that might look like for you now—and knowing that there will be challenges along the way! Learning how to communicate calmly with an animal will help build trust between both of you and make the experience more enjoyable than stressful or overwhelming.
You’re going to feel proud of yourself. You’ll be able to look back and see how far you’ve come, and know that you are better than before.
You may not have been athletic before, but riding a horse is a great way to get some fresh air, meet new people in your community, get alone time or just get some exercise.
You might have heard that horses are gentle and kind, but I didn’t know just how true that was until I started riding. My horse is the sweetest thing in the world, and he has taught me a lot about patience and balance. He never complains about having to wait for me when I am doing one of my exercises or stretches; instead he patiently waits for me to finish so we can go on our walk together.
I am also learning that horses are very loyal animals. On rainy days they stay out with us even though they don't like being wet! They will follow us wherever we go without complaining or asking for anything in return except maybe some carrots or apples if they feel like it!
Horses are also beautiful creatures with soft fur coats and shiny eyes that remind you why you love them so much as soon as they look at you (which is often). Horses are also intelligent animals who understand what we say even though we don't always understand everything they say back!
It hurts a lot, but it's worth it.
It's a great way to get some exercise.
It's also a good way to get out of the house and spend time with friends/family.
It's not easy to learn something new at any age, but as over 50 year olds we face unique challenges. We have a lot of life experience and know what works for us, so it can seem like there's no point trying new things when you've got everything under control. But learning something new has many advantages including keeping your brain active, strengthening muscles and bones, improving balance and coordination skills in other areas of life (including driving). The most important thing is to keep an open mind about how much fun learning something new can be once you get over the initial hurdles!
Takeaway: Over 50? Don't let age be an excuse for not learning a new skill.